Discovery AppΒΆ

Discovery App is a crawler accountable to connect to cloud providers.

  • To manager and authenticate on each cloud provider
  • Translate cloud data to maestro data.

Maestro Server - Discovery app overview

Discovery app use Flask, on python >3.5.

Setup dev env

cd devtool/

docker-compose up -d


Maestro Server - Discovery architecture
  • The discovery are divided in modules:

    • api: To authenticate on cloud providers.
    • translate: Normalize the data.
    • setup: Reset the tracker stats (it used on datacenters to get the orphans instances)
    • tracker: recreate the tracker stats
    • insert: insert/update data on mongodb
    • audit: prepare and transform a data to send to the external audit
    • external_audit: Send a http request to Audit app
    • ws: Send a http notification to websocket api

Components Diagram

Follow an example of request flow.

Maestro Server - Component diagram

Flower - Debug Celery

Real-time monitoring using Celery Events

  • Task progress and history
  • Ability to show task details (arguments, start time, runtime, and more)
  • Graphs and statistics
pip install flower

flower -A app.celery

npm run flower

Installation with python 3

  • Python >3.4
  • RabbitMQ

Download the repository

git clone

Installing dependencies

pip install -r requeriments.txt


python -m flask

or FLASK_DEBUG=1 flask run


npm run server

Running workers

celery -A app.celery worker -E -Q discovery --hostname=discovery@%h --loglevel=info


npm run celery


On production we use gunicorn to handle multiple threads.


import os

bind = "" + str(os.environ.get("MAESTRO_PORT", 5000))
workers = os.environ.get("MAESTRO_GWORKERS", 2)