Auto Discovery

Maestro Server - Create connection

To setup new connections in auto-discovery:

  • Create datacenters (select all regions with you like to discovery)
  • Create a connection - Select previous datacenters created and regions
  • Pass aws key and secret - Maestro need only a readyonly permission, the best pratice is, create a specific key for maestro

1 - Create datacenters

2 - Create connection - Go inventory > connections.

Maestro Server - Connections

Create a iam key with read only permission.

Access connection

In version 0.1, we have two providers:

Connectiong with AWS

To register one aws account use access_key and secret_key

Synchronized and permissions to grant.

server-List ec2 describe_instances
loadbalance-list describe_load_balancers and describe_load_balancers
dbs-list rds describe_db_instances
storage-object-list s3 list_buckets
volumes-list ec2 describe_volumes
cdns-list cloudfront list_distributions
snapshot-list ec2 describe_snapshots
images-list ec2 vdescribe_images
security-list ec2 describe_security_groups
network-list ec2 describe_vpcs, describe_subnets, describe_vpc_peering_connections, describe_vpn_gateways, describe_vpc_endpoints, describe_route_tables, describe_network_interfaces, describe_nat_gateways and describe_network_acls

Maestro Server - AWS Setup

Setup connection with AWS

Connectiong with OpenStack

To register one openstack account, use project name, url api, user, and password.

Synchronized and permissions to grant.

Server-List: servers compute
Loadbalance-list: load_balancers load_balancer
volumes-list: volumes block_store
snapshot-list: block_store snapshots
images-list: compute images
security-list: network security_groups
flavor-list: compute flavors
network-list: network networks, subnets, ports and routers

If you like, choose how the resource will be synchronized with an active and inactive button.

Maestro Server - OpenStack setup

Setupconnection with OpenStack


PS: There is scheduler job, its automatize sync, this schedule will be activated by default, and each resource have our own time, in the example, server-list will be synchronized for every 5 minutes, networks stuffs normally happen for every 2 weeks. You can the time using in each resource, more details see schedulers.

Maestro Server - Job on connection

Enable and disable the job


  • Permission error

    If through Unauthorized error, you need to grant ready only permission, in AWS you need to create IAM and grant these permissions.

  • Infinitive process loading

    Its common problem, Maestro needs two services to execute a successful synchronize, Discovery APP and RabbitMQ, normally when discovery app is down, we have infinite process message (because server app notify to start a process, and discovery app need to finish with Success process). Guarantees if discovery app up and running and if it’s connected correctly with rabbitmq.

For debbug, use stdout docker, like

docker-compose logs discovery-maestro
# or
docker-compose logs discovery-celery