
Inventory > Database

Databases are a programs to manage data store, can be relational and no relational.

The database inventory have a exclusive form for Oracle and MySQL, otherwise the generic form are able to fit on all databases types.

Field Description
Oracle You can register ASM DB, CDBs, RAC, grid system and/or golden gate backups
MySQL It able to register features as Master/Slave, Aurora cluster, backups setups and more.


Support version 10g, 11g and 12g


Choose how Oracle will be storage the data, as a local disk, ASM or distributed storage system.

Maestro Server - Database Oracle Cluster

Choose how Oracle will be run, single node, RAC/Grid mode.

Maestro Server - Database Oracle CDBS

Which CDBS run on oracle database.


Which servers this db ran, if is a single node, a rac or it running on multiple servers.


Support MySQL, AWS Aurora, MariaDB, Percona and etc

Maestro Server - Database MYSQL

Which version and mode this db are.

Generic database

Generic support for all databases

Maestro Server - Database NoSQL

Field Description
Spec Endpoint, port, commands, health check and more.
Datacenter A given datacenter.
Server Which servers this database are running.
CDBS CDBS used by Oracle DBs.
System Accountant system/s.