Connecting on Digital Ocean

To get the application token. Go to:

Maestro Server - Digital Ocean tokens

Getting the App Token

To create a new token, go to Digital Ocean dashboard:

  1. Click on the API on the main menu
  2. Go to the Applications & API
  3. On the Tokens/Keys tab. Go to the Personal access tokens section
  4. Click on to Generate New Token.

List of permissions to grant.

server-List get_all_droplets
loadbalance-list get_all_load_balancers
volumes-list get_all_volumes
snapshot-list get_all_snapshots
cdns-list get_all_cdns
container-orchestration-list get_all_kubernetes
images-list get_my_images
network-list get_all_firewalls

Maestro Server - Digital Ocean Setup

Setup connection with Digital Ocean

Digital Ocean Spaces

To register spaces key and secret key.

Maestro Server - Digital Ocean Space tokens

Getting Spaces Token

  1. Click on the API on the main menu
  2. Go to the Spaces token
  3. On the Tokens/Keys tab.
  4. Click on the Generate New Token on Spaces, and gets the key and secret key.

Maestro Server - Digital Ocean Spaces Setup

Setup connection on Digital Ocean Spaces