
Inventory > Server

The most import fields in server register is:

Field Functional
Hostname Hostname, accept duplicate hostname per team, but the inveotry will warning about this.
Ipv4 Private Ipv4 private, same situation of hostname (accept duplicate but will warning)
Ipv4 Public Ipv4 public, only for external servers.
OS Base is most basic form, like Linux adn Windows, Distro normally use for linux, like ubuntu, centos, and version its a number
Memory Memory
Environment Production | Development | Stage

Maestro Server - Setup OS

Setup OS server

You have some tabs,

Field Functional
Storage Add your storage information, mount path, size in GB and if is a root device, some cloud maybe bring news informations.
Datacenter Provider, region and zones, if this server still in cloud Environment you can put id in id_instance, will be create a link and Maestro will know if its duplicate when execute a auto discovery servers.
Auth Used to register a methods to authenticate in servers.
Service Register all services its run inside a servers, this information its used to create some links with applications inventory and used in Application Manager system.

Maestro Server - Assing datacenters name

Assing a dc name, region and zone.

Maestro Server - Assing service authentication

Register, which mode you can to access and authenticate on server.


Services is a very important field in servers, which this information the system will try to find some relation with applications, for example if you register Oracle Database, and create a database and register a relation between this servers, the system will automatically create a service relation.

Maestro Server - Servers and services

Related services running.


Maestro Server - Volumes - Attached or built

Can be attached or built-in:

  • Attached are network storage or distributed storage service (ex: NFS)
  • built-in its hard drive directly on a server (usually premise datacenters).

After created you can describe a mount path, file type, size and virtual volumes configuration (if exist).

Maestro Server - LVMs

Server Resources

Datacenters and servers have some assumption resources, and there are volumes, flavors, images, and networks.

Maestro Server - Servers resources
  • Volumes: List of volumes (ex: EBS, HardDisk)
  • Flavors: Datacenters information, can be public or private.
  • Images: Images hosted on datacenter, used for virtualization services.
  • Network: depends on providers architecture, for example aws have security groups, acls, vpcs and subnets and etc.